X-PAIN-T® is a nonverbal art-based outlet for emotion- release and regulation with rehabilitative properties as opposed to occupational in order to deal constructively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.
X-PAIN-T® Bilateral Expressive Painting provides an innovative self-awareness process using both the non-dominant and dominant hand in an effort to stimulate memories and experiences that reside in both the left and right hemisphere of the brain.
X-PAIN-T® has primarily been developed as a perpetrator intervention program in prison. It has been tested internationally and proven a successful approach to rehabilitating violent-, offending-, and anti-social behaviour as well as mental health issues among prisoners (men, women and youth) within the Florida Department of Corrections, the U.S.A, the Department of Correctional Services Republic of South Africa, and the BJMP Angeles District Jail, the Philippines as well as among violence-prone adults and ex prisoners in rural communities in Australia.
Internet hate speech and road rage are examples of misdirected and externalized anger turned into rage. The origin of the anger/rage/aggression/violence is stemming from earlier events when it has not been possible to express emotions, either out of fear or a culture of not expressing emotions. Much of the suppressed and unexpressed anger is stemming from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE Study).
The child growing up in the modern world, regardless of socioeconomic status, may be the victim of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, all unconsciously enraging. The abused child may feel sad, unhappy, or scared, but anger is forbidden – that prohibition is built in.
Tina Borg - X-PAIN-T® Creator & Coach
X-PAIN-T® has been developed by Tina during 20 years. As a Finn with a past in Switzerland and the PR and business world - including Formula 1 and film festivals - she made a radical change and studied Fine Arts in New Zealand before entering prisons around the world with X-PAIN-T®. It is based on wellbeing, emotions and the brain and how to integrate the left and right hemispheres by bilateral painting, i.e. both hands. With a strong belief in the effectiveness of the X-PAIN-T® self-awareness process she decided to first go to South Africa in 2003 with the goal to test the method in a challenging environment, i.e. prison. Her hypothesis was that X-PAIN-T® provides tools to rehabilitate violent individuals and there is a link between abuse (incl. corporal punishment as discipline) and neglect in childhood and aggressive/violent behaviour later. Why prison? We all benefit from every rehabilitated violent offender through the ripple effect in society: less victims and violence, less children who have to fear their abusive parents. Tina promotes a No2theBelt-Yes2Boundaries policy among prisoners – as a way of child protection in prison, to stop inmates abuse their children and create more violent individuals. Now it has come full-circle and Tina is back in Finland.
“I have seen psychiatrists and psychologists most of my life. Some of my earliest memories as a child are of myself in some sort of therapy. It is unbelievable "all-most" inconceivable that Ms Borg has done what all of them combined through the years were unable to do and she did it in only 4 weeks!
I quickly discovered she (Ms Borg) wasn’t the “kook” I had thought her to be and that this was no ordinary painting class but a true form of therapy! A true (and healthy) way of relieving oneself of pain, anger, frustration and depression.”
– prisoner L (41) – USA – total of 12 sessions (2,5h each) during 4 weeks
“I am in prison for second degree murder. That horrible day back in 1995 has haunted me every day since and especially every night in “that quiet time” after your prayers before falling off to sleep, a sleep by the way, I could only attain through medications. Through Ms Borg and her unconventional techniques I have freed myself from the nightmares!
I'm also epileptic and my seizure activity has abated. I've not had a single "epileptic episode" in the 4 whole weeks! I used to have 2-3 seizures /week. During the month I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster learning things about myself and being shown innovative ways to deal with the “negatives” instead of hiding them...”
– prisoner L (41) – USA – total of 12 sessions (2,5 h each) during 4 weeks
“I really thought it was crazy at first, to just smudge, smear, splat and spread paint on paper while listening to music. But after actually doing it hands on and after thinking while painting on the topic at hand I realized that I did bring up old “issues” and put my feelings on that paper. Quite exhausting in fact and a little frustrating when trying to face the issues. But when the second painting was done on a positive issue, it seemed to balance things out and give me a sense of having solved a lot of the regret.
The class was something I certainly suggest to those with past issues. I endorse this type of therapy in areas where others don’t reach people with words. The connection is quite fascinating. I am a witness to the results. I knew the others before the program and I see the difference. It really does work.“
– prisoner C (40) – USA – total of 6 sessions (2,5h each) during 2,5 weeks
“What I really liked most about the class, was the way I was able to put my anger on paper by painting without causing anyone else harm. Also the relaxing of the music, which help me focus and meditate more on my inner self just as well as outer”
– prisoner J (46) - USA – total of 12 sessions (2,5h each) during 4 weeks
“I got a lot off my chest. Now I feel like a feather when before I felt like a two ton case. What I consider the most important thing that I have learned is that you don’t always have to write or talk to express how you feel”
– prisoner B (23) - USA – total of 12 sessions (2,5h each) during 4 weeks
”...Tina's open personality definitely contributed to making the inmates feel at ease and they accepted her right from the beginning. Even rapists, murderers and other high profile inmates participated freely in this program and they could not wait for her return each time she had to go back to Finland. Inmates and this Department could definitely benefit if this project can be a long term one and Tina has my full support. It is our obligation to better the lives of those entrusted to us, but we need the support and expertise of people like Tina Borg if we want to achieve this goal. Her approach to rehabilitation set an example to me and other members.” – Skills Developer, Correctional Services – South Africa
“Now I sleep through all the night without nightmares, screaming or sweating. The X-PAIN-T was the best medicine for my sleeping problem, no more need of pills.”
“First I did not know what therapy there was in the program. Things you were holding back in your heart, things you don’t want to talk about, the painting program help it to come forward and it help to think in the first place.”
”There on the paper I killed the man who abused me, and now I feel great.” - 15 yo victim of paedophilia – the Philippines
”X-PAIN-T made me remember old issues that I had forgotten. I then was dealing with the old issues (in the painting) which made me feel lighter, better.” - S (19) - Finland
“I am impressed with what you have been doing and appreciate your commitment and dedication to helping and supporting some of the most marginalized members of our society. I therefore accept your invitation to be a Patron of the Expressive Art Program (X-PAIN-T).
I hope that my association with your work will enable you to encourage others to support your valuable service and that you will be able to apply your considerable gifts to helping the many members of our society whom have been neglected and let down.”
– Desmond M. Tutu (2004), Archbishop Emeritus – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
”The degree of violence, rage and aggressive behavior (the fight/flight response) appears to correlate with abuse and deprivation as children. Studies of male criminal convicted of violent aggressive crimes show that a majority of these criminals have suffered severe physical and/or sexual abuse as children.”
– Dr. Robert Scaer – author of 'The Body Bears the Burden'